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scuola di teatro

Phisical Theater School

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    Per l'anno accademico 2025/2026
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The “Atelier Teatro Fisico Philip Radice” is a renowned Theater School, recognized internationally, with more than thirty years of history, heir to the prestigious tradition of Jacques Lecoq. The School starts from its pedagogy and expands the study towards the creative act, updating the Lecoqian tradition and making it relevant to today.

In addition to providing intense technical training, the school offers students numerous opportunities for creative expression through hours of stage creation and performance, multi-year, year-long courses, workshops and performances: ATF Philip Radice is committed to offering a broad and comprehensive educational experience. The objective is not only to develop technical skills, but also to guide the student in the process of discovering their own theatrical language, redefining the concept of theater for each of them.

At our school we are committed to offering a complete and stimulating educational experience, offering both long-term professional courses, designed for those who wish to pursue a career in the world of entertainment, and short courses and workshops, ideal for those looking for an experience more intensive and focused.

The training capacity of our school is underlined by the 25 years of experience that we have accumulated and by the large number of former students of the Atelier Teatro Fisico Philip Radice who have become professional actors and actresses, have founded companies and created shows with which they work and they continue to perform on stages throughout Italy, Europe and the entire world!

But we don’t just limit ourselves to training: we are also committed to producing engaging, high-quality theatrical performances. Our students have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned on stage, through monthly performing parties but also by staging complete shows created and performed by themselves. And what is even more exciting, these shows not only come to life in our theater, but can also be purchased by external organizations to enrich their programming.

Furthermore, with our potpourri festival, every year we present a series of shows by specially invited external artists which, in addition to representing an enrichment for our students, are an opportunity for entertainment for our public.

We are proud to offer an international environment that celebrates creativity, expression and collaboration. Whether you are trained actors or those in training, looking for professional growth or passionate spectators eager to discover new theatrical experiences, you are welcome in our world of commitment, emotions and magic.

Discover your potential, explore new horizons and join us in the wonderful world of theatre, we await you with enthusiasm in our classrooms and at our shows!

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  • Thanks


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