ATF Player Company
The ATF Players Company is the company of Philip Radice’s Atelier Teatro Fisico, a theater training and research institute active in the Turin area for over 25 years.
The shows of the ATF Players Company are characterized by a mix of languages consistent with the eclectic pedagogical path of the Atelier: classic and contemporary theatre, tragedy, melodrama, the buffoon, but also commedia dell’arte, mime, dance theater and circus arts.
Recent productions include “Magna Italia (2015)” by Eugenio Allegri and “Il Malato Imaginario – superdrama version” (2018) by Molière directed by Jon Kellam.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its foundation, the Atelier Teatro Fisico presents TARTUFO – SUPERDRAMA, the new and ambitious production inspired by the last work written by Molière.
Directed by American director Jon Kellam and performed by actors from the ATF Players Company, TARTUFO is a provocative and irreverent show; the fierce criticism of human hypocrisy makes it a work with burning and profoundly current content: the parallel between the work of the character Tartufo and contemporary populism is immediate.

Hilarious, absurd, buffoonish, but also raw and decadent, this fairy tale directed by Paola Tortora Vintulerateatro and produced by Philip Radice comes to life in a court of grotesque and contradictory characters, who are the mirror of the power of all time.
A tragicomic, absurd, surreal comedy animates a scene inspired by the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch: a sort of infernal circle inhabited by ambiguous, disturbing, metamorphic figures, who wander in a crumbling palace of an even more sick and decadent King.